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intelligent spindle
The spindle is important to every machine tool just as the heart to every person. We are a professional precision spindle manufacturer - ROYLI. Our name, ROYLI reflects the meaning of Taiwanese pronunciation of “Thank you”. We want to say “Thank you” to the spindle for making our work easier, and “Thank you” to our customers who support us with all their hearts. ROYLI is your first-choice for spindles ROYLI has complete market application and service experiences for over 20 years. Efficient scale of production, full control of self-produced capacity, complete after-sales network, rich problem-solving experiences, and provide high-quality products and services for our worldwide customers. Our R&D team has over 10 years of experiences in designing high-speed spindles. Specialized in mechatronics and intelligent spindles, we have the advantages of being able to offer the finest electronic spindles. Most importantly, ROYLI focuses on each key process to provide the best products and prices for all customers. We have invested extensively in heat treatment technology, which is an essential process to ensure precision quality. Now, we are continuous designing and focusing on shaft cooling system, vibration reducing during high speed, and intelligent spindle system; moreover, the user can easily know the spindle operation status, reach stable machining, and high efficiency production. We provide complete and optimized solutions for spindles. Let ROYLI become your best partner.
翰坤FMDC155W內藏式鑽孔攻牙動力頭 (自動換刀)榮獲台灣精品獎2022肯定,將主軸配置優化搭配內藏馬達的設計,不再需要皮帶輪與皮帶傳動,減少了馬達盒空間後,大幅改善空間干涉的問題,同時降低重量與體積。主軸改良為直結式不只能提升鼻端精度,並縮短加工時程、降低設備生產成本。水車式的結構,可應用於水車式轉盤專用機,水車式主軸頭可支援立/臥式的配置,顛覆了一般傳統主軸頭只能使用臥式配置所造成的空間浪費。FMDM155 水車式內藏主軸頭的設計,不只能增加工作站配置的彈性、也能縮小主軸頭所佔據的設置空間。加工效能比傳統主軸頭更加優質,同時每個主軸頭比舊款式減少最高35%的重量。 以往客戶選購主軸頭,往往考量的首要挑件就是是否會有干涉的問題、以及廠房或者機台空間的問題,FMDC155W內藏式鑽孔攻牙動力頭(自動換刀)便是切入客戶的需求,防止干涉、減少空間成本,提供給客戶更好的選擇。
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